Post Trip

September 1st-2nd, 2025

Join fellow Mosaic Club members as they spend an overnight trip along the Delaware River between Pennsylvania and New York/New Jersey.  This scenic and recreational river is for canoeing and swimming.  There are miles and miles of beauty, excitement, tranquility, and history.  What better way to end the fantastic Labor Day weekend than with fellow Mosaic Club members on an overnight camping trip on the Delaware?

This trip is not for the novice paddler.  Basic paddle skills will be required. Those with limited canoeing experience might need to “touch up” their canoeing skills. Those who do need a paddling partner will be teamed up. The trip will be limited to only 20 people. 

The exact Plan and Costs are TBD. 

Join other Mosaic Club members to have fun, enjoy nature, and finish the summer with an exciting overnight trip on the Delaware River that lasts one night and two days.

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