
We are a volunteer organization, and we understand that everyone's availability and commitments differ. This event does NOT happen without YOUR HELP. We respect and appreciate your other commitments, and we have a variety of roles that can accommodate your schedule. Don't hesitate to contact us if you are willing to volunteer. Get involved.

On this page:

Airport Captain

Airport Captains are the point people to assist with arrivals on Thursday, August 28, 2025, and departures on Monday, September 1, 2025. Your primary job is to leave the airport/camp on schedule while getting everyone on the Mosaic Shuttle. To make this happen:

  • Work as a team of two or three people.
  • Your name and cell phone number will be publicized via email/web to all participants arriving/departing via the Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR) to allow any participants to communicate directly to you about any issues that might arise during their travels while flying and arriving/leaving the airport. Then act on that information to assist them.
  • Coordinate with participants to help find the designated meeting location at the airport.
  • Organize participants to work as a group while waiting for pickup. I.E., Helping each other with baggage, food, and such.
  • Orchestrate the pickup of your group at the designated time and place that you will arrange with the MOSAIC Shuttle driver via your cell phone. The driver is provided your phone number.
  • Keep Event Chairpeople advised of status and any issues.
  • You MUST have a cell phone plan that handles US and Canadian phone numbers with outgoing and incoming calls. Mosaic is NOT responsible for international call fees. 

The optimum Airport Captain should be flying round trip to/from Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR) with a USA cell phone number. It is best that the airport captains are the first people to arrive at the airport on Thursday, August 28, 2025, and the last person to depart on Monday, September 1, 2025.

Click HERE for more details

Bedding Committee

The camp does not provide linens. However, we offer 20 to 40 linen and towel packages for those wanting to purchase them.

  • Each linen rental package includes a flat sheet, fitted sheet, pillow/case, and blanket.
  • Each towel package includes a washcloth, a large towel, and a small towel.

The Bedding Committee is divided into two parts:

  • Source where the materials for the towel package will come from and plan to get the materials to the camp on time. Sourcing can be done either online and having it shipped or via going to physical stores during sales and buying what is needed, then bringing the materials to camp. The key is to keep the cost to a minimum.
  • Be part of the advanced crew that arrives in camp the night before everyone else. Your primary job is to sort the materials into individual packages and then deliver those packages to each participant’s cabin. Once your primary responsibility is done, you will be expected to help with whatever is needed as part of the advanced crew.

Bus Captain for Activities

The Activity Bus Captain has three primary responsibilities:

  • Be the liaison between participants and the bus driver. Avoid anyone disturbing the driver while operating the bus and respond to any requests the driver may have to make their job easier.
  • Provide driving directions to your destination with minimal driving time and effort. You should have a strong sense of direction, be comfortable using a GPS unit or software, and have strong map-reading skills. You should look at the map or directions before your bus arrives or departs.
  • Coordinate with all Activity Leaders on your bus to ensure you leave on time. The Activity Leader will ensure their group is on the bus.

Click HERE for more info

Check-In On-site

We have a few time blocks at the start of the event where we will need help, including a few time slots on Thursday and Friday for the event. Please let us know your intentions for your arrival plans to help figure out where we can best fit you on the schedule.

Co-Chair for Future Events

Volunteer to be a Co-Chair of a future event. Mosaic will help you in any way possible. 

Conservation Committee

Part of Mosaic's mission as an outdoor club is to promote environmental awareness. During the Jewish Outdoor Escape, you can volunteer to help create specific conservation-based programming.

Primary Contact in Camp for the Day

The camp is not responsible for managing participant issues during the weekend. As specified in the contract, we designate a participant each day during the event as the primary contact for any problems that might arise during that day. Then, the primary contact will be the liaison/filter for the camp staff regarding any participant request. You will be responsible for carrying the Mosaic cell phone, Mosaic radio, and camp radio during the day. Your name (and cell phone) will be listed as the primary contact in the schedule book and website. You will need to be able to respond to any issues or requests you may receive via phone, radio, or in person while having fun doing activities in camp. This is as urgent as managing a 911 emergency, someone getting lost or hurt during an activity, dealing with plumbing issues in one of the cabins, etc. You are given instructions to help you oversee these and other basic problems.

Note: It would be best if your cell phone plan included calls/texts to both the USA and Canada.

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Advanced Crew

We need a select few participants willing to arrive at the camp on Wednesday night and then spend Wednesday night and Thursday before the event setting up the camp for the participants' arrival. As part of the Advanced Crew, you will be involved in various tasks, from completing the final packing of leader packets to organizing the registration area and dealing with any issues that might arise. You will be willing to help wherever needed, and chairpeople will hand out assignments as required.


  • Complete final packing of leader packets and participant packets.
  • Organizing the registration area
  • Posting signs were needed.
  • Deploying the bedding packages to their proper locations
  • Cleaning out/prepping areas that need some attention.
  • Dealing with issues that might arise.
  • Organize the parking and other traffic pattern issues.
  • Be available to help with the arrival of participants and direct them to their cabins.

Monday Clean-Up Crew

We need a few volunteers to stay a little later and help clean up the camp after everyone else leaves. You'll need to provide your own transportation from the camp to be on this crew. Please let us know if you can join us by contacting us at event@mosaicoutdoor.org.

Day Time In-Camp Activities

This year's camp offers a wide variety of activities. We are looking for other ideas to add to the full in-camp schedule. Help plan the daytime in-camp activities. Create workshops. Collaborate with the camp to schedule what events are available to us. We'll look to have volleyball, field games, and more available daily.


We are looking for people to drive to/from some activities. This may be your vehicle, a 12, 15-passenger, or cargo van. Please specify:

  • What type of vehicle are you willing to drive?
  • If you are willing to drive for a specific activity or any activity you are participating in?
  • How many passengers are you willing to take?
  • How many bikes can you fit on your vehicle if the activity includes biking?

Due to insurance regulations, anyone driving as an official Mosaic activity driver must allow us to check their Motor Vehicle Record. We only allow participants to drive for Mosaic if they have a safe driving record. You are allowed one or two minor traffic tickets but no significant accidents where you are found at fault or DUIs. Please do not put us in any embarrassing situations by volunteering to drive if you do not pass the MVR check.

Click HERE for more details

Elections Commissioner

We are looking for a volunteer who would be willing to be appointed as Elections Commissioner. Part of your job is to contact the local clubs a few months ahead of the meeting to:

  • Determine what positions on the MOCA board are up for election.
  • Determine who the local club's official delegate for the council will be attending the event.
  • Contact local clubs and members to produce a list of candidates for the open positions on the board

Sometime in the fall, you will oversee the elections to ensure they run appropriately.

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Evening Activities Committee

The Committee develops evening events and schedules for large and small programs. Examples include dance lessons, seminars from experts (we have had past workshops on successful marriages, finding your true self, and improving, for instance), and slideshows. We would also like to organize a big "marquee event" on Saturday night involving live entertainment and bring an outside speaker on environmental or other issues. Indoor activities in place of the nightly bonfires are also helpful in case of rain.

Food Committee

You will work with the camp to develop and coordinate appropriate menus for those who eat regular, vegetarian, and vegan food. You will also be the point of contact on-site to deal with any issues with the menu and/or participants' “special” requests.

Lead an Activity

Please review our offerings on the event website and describe the activity you wish to lead when contacting us.

Click HERE for more details

Leader Packets

Every activity we run requires a leader information packet. This packet will have detailed information the leader needs to know in order to be fully informed so they can confidently lead their activity during the event. Helping with producing the leader packets will bring you intimate knowledge of the area's surroundings and activities. This process will also create a greater understanding of what makes an activity. We really could use dedicated help with every step of the leader packet. Each leader packet needs to be produced, vetted, and proofread to ensure all the information is correct and makes sense. The process of creating a single leader packet can take several hours. Then, multiply these several hours per packet with an average of forty activities during each event. This equates to many, many hours to generate all the packets. Therefore, this is NOT a job for one person. Please be part of this team.

Marketing and Publicity Committee

Charged with getting the word out that this is the best Labor Day weekend event on the continent for Jewish outdoor enthusiasts. This committee drives attendance at the event and develops focused messaging to promote Mosaic and the event. We are looking for volunteers to help us recruit current and former Mosaic members and new attendees who have never heard of Mosaic. Could you help us grow this exciting event? You should be proficient in using social media of all types, including Facebook, Meetup, and Twitter.

Post-Trip Committee

Help with the post-trip planning and execution. While some details are laid out, we can always use help running the Post-Trip.

Pre-Trip Committee

Help with the planning and execution of the Pre-Trip. While some details are laid out, we can always use help running the Pre-Trip.

Quartermaster Committee

Before the activity: You will ensure that all daytime activities receive all the equipment needed for that event. This equipment would include radios, first aid kits, maps, vendor payments, and participants' tickets.

After the activity: you are also responsible for ensuring all equipment returned from the trips is ready for the next day, including charging the radios.

Religious Activities Committee

Mosaic is a Jewish group that embraces our Jewish experience. This committee is charged with working that experience into the weekend's programming for those who want to participate. Planning includes planning a Mincha & Maariv service daily, a Friday night service, Saturday’s Shabbat morning service, and a Havdalah Service on Saturday Night. The committee will need to ensure that all materials are in the camp when we need them (prayer books, candles, wine, challah, etc.) and should develop a budget request to be reviewed by the overall budget committee before proceeding with any purchases.

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Ride Share Committee

Help coordinate ride-shares for people who need extra help beyond what is offered in the registration system database. This job will require contacting people by phone and email in Canada and the USA.

Safety Committee

Charged with creating and implementing practical policies to help ensure that everyone has a safe and fun event. This committee should familiarize themselves with emergency systems in whatever area we go to. What is the 911 procedure in the area? What and where are the local hospitals? Where are the first aid kits, and what do they contain? What emergency systems are in the camp, and where are they located? (Fire extinguishers, defibrillator, etc.) Know who has first-aid training.

Scout for Activities

The Scouting trip(s) is a working weekend.  It is for those of you willing to help prepare for the Jewish Outdoor Escape 2025 by surveying potential activities for us.  We will break into small groups.  Each group will be assigned specific activities to scout.  You may not have time to complete each activity during the scouting trip.  Scouts will:

  • Research their assignments before arriving for the weekend. We will supply the information we have already gathered.
  • Develop a leader/info packet based on this research before arrival on the scouting trip.
  • Spend the weekend verifying their research and scout for other items they may find.
  • Update their leader/info packet with the information they found and report that packet back to the chairpeople within a week of returning from the scouting trip.
  • Preference is given to anyone who plans to attend both the scouting trip and the Labor Day event.

We are looking for people to help find venues for future events. This committee will search for camps to use in coming years (including next year) and evaluate them based on several criteria, including their availability on the Labor Day weekend, capacity, and proximity to exciting activity venues.

Social and Welcome Committee

Responsible for the mixers and the welcoming of participants at the beginning of the event. They will be charged to ensure all first-timers feel welcomed to the event. Also, produce exciting mixer games for the bus or vans that travel between camp and activities during the weekend, as well as the Mosaic Shuttle to/from the airport.

Transportation Committee

Responsible for securing and managing the event's transportation issues and obtaining and scheduling the vehicles: motor coaches, buses, and vans throughout the weekend. They need to figure out the airport gateway for the event and plan accordingly. Our bus selection usually involves a motorcoach between the camp airport and a school bus, vans, and private cars during the weekend. During the event, the transportation committee will work with the activities committee and chair-people to arrange the camp departure/return times and determine the caps for the number of people allowed for each activity. (If it is a 12-passenger van, the activity may be limited to twelve participants). Also, the committee will be responsible for keeping all transportation on schedule and signs on the buses or vans to clarify to the participants which vehicle they will need to board.

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