Linen Rental Package
The camp does not provide linens. You must bring your own sleeping bag and bedding or rent a linen package from
us for the weekend.
- Linen rental packages (flat sheet, fitted sheet, pillow/case, blanket). It's clean but not elegant.
- Available for $10 Linen Package and $10 for Towel, $18 for Both Linen and Towel.
- Must be purchased by 8/12.
- Will NOT be available during the Event or after 8/12.
Please don't purchase an extended rental package if you pay for a round-trip in a 12 or 7-PASSENGER VAN
SHUTTLE. Linen rental packages are included in the price if you opt for the 12- or 7-passenger van shuttles from
Ottawa, Toronto, or other parts of the USA's East Coast (more details are listed on the transportation page
on the event website).
Paddler's Wallet
Please secure a Paddler's Wallet to your body if you are signed up for any water activities. Please attach
it to yourself, but avoid anything around the neck. Think about what would happen if you were unconscious and
needed help. How do you let people know how to proceed?
A paddler's wallet is a small waterproof container. (Click HERE for examples from Amazon. Make sure you have COPIES of the following
items below. Keep in mind that ANYTHING on the water WILL get wet and ALWAYS it is possible to be lost. Water is
a very powerful force of nature. It does not matter how well you try; Mother Nature will always win:
- Expired Driver's License or copy of your Passport (for ID). At least, it should have current mailing
- Medical Insurance Card.
- Emergency Contact Info (list people who should be called to get a medical proxy or least made aware of the
- List of medications/medical conditions/allergies
- Spare credit card
- $20 to $60 in cash (emergencies or small bills for the tip)
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